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Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Testimonial

Thomas de Aynesworth
Some people, who for whatever reason seem to resent criticism of Harold Covington's false statements, like to try to discourage this activity of setting the record straight by saying that it is a waste of time, that nobody cares, that it has no effect.

Thomas de Aynesworth is one of several known counterexamples to that claim. Aynesworth was actually the person who suggested to Harold Covington the theme-music that he has been using at the beginning of his Radio Free Northwest podcast for the past three years

An exchange from February 2010 between Harold Covington (using the sockpuppet-name Jack Torrance) and Thomas de Aynesworth. (See full-sized.)

When I recently referred to Aynesworth as a supporter of Covington's, using some harsh words, he found me in my IRC channel to issue a clarification, which happens to be also a testimonial to the value and effectiveness of this blog. While he says that he was never affiliated with Covington, it is evident that he was for a time positively disposed and had some "interactions" with Covington and some of his associates, which he terminated upon becoming better informed.

[22:50] Aynesworth: I am not, and never have been affiliated with Covington. When Covington first started his radio show, I was interested, ignorant of his past history. After getting the facts, I stopped interaction altogether.
[22:51] Aynesworth: Also, meeting with a member of the NWF, I realized that any further interaction was pointless.
[22:51] Aynesworth: He was messed up.
[22:51] Hadding: Well that was a good insight. Same thing that others have said.
[22:52] Hadding: You mind if I copy and paste that?
[22:52] Aynesworth: All I am asking, is that you understand that I am not with him, never have been. When I was in his contact I was totally oblivious to his past. Your own work has helped me realize that he is a dangerous and unstable character.
This text was copied and pasted with permission.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Evelyn Hill on Harold Covington's Fraudulent Use of Names

Evelyn Hill, erstwhile office-manager (1995-2000) for Dr. William Pierce, says that Harold Covington has a history of fraudulently using her name and the names of other members of the National Alliance:

"I did not make the comment attributed to me on Harold Covington's blog, nor am I a supporter of his. Covington pretended to be me when I worked for the National Alliance.  He also assumed the identity of other members. In addition to this he would create entirely fictitious identities in attempts to disrupt pro-White activism."

In fraudulently commenting on his own blog, Covington has used a number of names of former prominent members of the National Alliance, not just "Evelyn Hill." Two that have been demonstrated are Fred Streed and Ron Doggett.

An example of an "entirely fictitious identity" that Covington used to disrupt pro-White activism would be "Brad Davis" or "L. Bradford Davis," an exposed pseudonym under which Covington pretended to be a member of the National Alliance and wrote the scurrilous "Thirty Questions for Dr. Pierce" and "Why I Broke with William Pierce."

Update! See Covington's ridiculous response, as blatantly dishonest as can be. Yes, using Evelyn Hill's name again, even after he's been definitively caught. Showing infinite chutzpah, he did it again on 19 July 2012.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Harold Covington and Frank Collin

A documentary video from March 1977 shows Harold Covington as Frank Collin's right-hand man at a press-conference of the "National Socialist Party of America" in Chicago.*

Harold Covington (far right) as Frank Collin's chief defender, 1977

At 2:23 a reporter asks Collin, "What do you recommend for your father?"

Covington shoots back, "One more crack and you're out!"

Apparently the reporter was referring to the fact that Frank Collin's father was a Jew, Max Simon Collin, born Cohn, who had spent time in Dachau.

Since the press-conference was over, all the reporters and cameramen were about to be "out" anyway, but by butting in, Covington created a distraction that saved Collin from the awkwardness of either addressing or directly refusing to address the question about his father.

Frazier Glenn Miller, who was a member of Covington's North Carolina unit of the NSPA, says Collin once traveled on a motorcycle to visit the North Carolina unit. After Collin's departure, Miller said to Covington, "That guy looks like a Jew." In that instance too, Covington tried to obfuscate, insisting that Collin was "Black Irish."

A report on Collin's Jewish paternal ancestry was carried by UPI as early as April 1970. Harold Covington joined Collin's group in 1976. As part of the worldwide reaction to Collin's declared intention to stage a uniformed march of "nazis" through a largely Jewish suburb, Collin came under intensified scrutiny in 1977 and the story about his Jewish father was widely publicized. Covington definitely knew.

The explanation for Covington's willingness to stand by and defend Collin under the circumstances may lie in the fact that Covington himself is the grandson of one A.B. Glass, founder of the Dixie Bedding Company in Greensboro, North Carolina (Encyclopedia of White Power, ed. Jeffrey Kaplan, p. 76). It was from this grandfather that Covington inherited $90,000.

In spite of the attention to his Jewish ancestry, Collin lasted as head of the NSPA, with Covington as second-in-command, until he was ousted in November 1979. Collin's arrest for sexually abusing two 10-year-old boys at NSPA headquarters following in January 1980.

It was NSPA member Mike Whalen who found the evidence that led to Frank Collin's arrest. Covington sometimes implies (e.g. in "The Seabrook Theory") that he was responsible for Frank Collin's downfall, but he was not. After Whalen made the discovery, the cat was out of the bag and Covington could not save Collin if he was so inclined. Whether Covington had been turning a blind eye to Collin's sexual habits along with his ancestry until then is anybody's guess.

In Covington's "The Frank Collin Affair" (1 August 2005) on his own blog, and in the largely identical section about Frank Collin in Covington's Brief History, there is no mention whatsoever of any allegation about Frank Collin's Jewish paternal ancestry, even though it has long been known to the entire world. On 5 June 2012, somebody calling himself "The Old Man" (a nickname that Covington uses) even removed a reference to Collin's being half-Jewish from the Metapedia article about Covington.

Harold Covington suppresses the fact that Frank Collin is half-Jewish.

Apparently Covington would not like to explain why, when he knew that his fuehrer was half-Jewish, he chose for at least 2½ years -- and still chooses -- to overlook and even suppress the fact, while making completely spurious accusations of Jewish ancestry against men like Matt Koehl and Ben Klassen.

Covington's penchant for accusing various White racialist leaders of having some terrible, dark secret has every appearance of being a projection from his own life.
* As of 28 June, after noting a flurry of visits to this blog and interest in this article from somebody in Port Orchard, Washington (where Harold Covington has a mail-drop in the UPS Store), I decided to check the video linked in the article, only to find that it had been removed by the user that posted it. Since the rest of hadroid's videos pertaining to the NSPA and Skokie are still on YouTube, I infer that somebody threw a fit to have that particular video removed. Fortunately I still have an image from that video to prove that it existed.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Harold Covington, Anti-Racist

White Supremacy is "disreputable and unsavory," wrote Covington in
1996, shown here at a 1989 gathering in Pulaski, Tennessee 
that commemorated the birth of the Ku Klux Klan.

One of those that Harold Covington defamed incessantly in the 1990s, Will White Williams, responded by filing a libel suit against Covington in Wake County, North Carolina. The pattern of libel was so clear, extensive, and well documented that Covington really had no defense.

Instead of disputing the facts of the case, Covington tried to appeal to what he presumed to be the biases of the court.

In his formal response to Williams vs. Covington in 1996, Harold Covington referred to Williams, a member of the National Alliance, as a "White Supremacist" (which in this case was not to make a distinction from White Separatism, but simply a synonym for racist in Liberalese) and asserted that "White Supremacists" and their activities were inherently "disreputable and unsavory" and that therefore he, Covington, should not be held accountable for any libel against a "White Supremacist" like Will Williams:

18. Regarding the issue of defamation of character, it is the entirely serious contention of the defendant, and will constitute a substantial portion of the defense, that the plaintiff has no character to defame. For a number of years Mr. Williams has voluntarily adopted a style of life which has involved active membership and leadership roles in a number of white supremacist organizations. This subsequently resulted in his involvement in a series of transactions, incidents, and episodes of such disreputable and unsavory nature that the standards of injury and loss of reputation which would normally apply to a normal, law-abiding citizen cannot reasonably be said to apply to him. With addressing the moral issues involved, the court will be aware that modern American society has determined, in its collective wisdom, that white supremacy and activities related to promoting white supremacy are disreputable and unsavory ‘per se.’ It is the contention of the defense that by choosing his present mode of living, in the eyes of all reasonable people he has voluntarily renounced the values and standards of character which would entitle him to bring an action for libel, against the defendant or anyone else.

Find that on page 2 of "DEFENDANT'S ANSWER TO COMPLAINT" (File #96CV 11027 – Williams vs. Covington), filed at the Wake County Courthouse, North Carolina District Court on 20 November 1996.

Page 2 of Covington's Response to Williams vs. Covington.